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Member Track and Racer
Contingency Program

WDRA has put together a 50% off discount program, specifically for WDRA member tracks, aimed at reducing the costs of facility and track related supplies while streamlining the process of ordering what is needed.

WDRA has teamed up with 1st AYD, an Illinois based bulk supplier of products for the industrial, municipal and commercial markets.  1st AYD was selected based on their product line matching up with many of the items drag racing facilities use.  1st AYD carries full lines of chemicals, cleaning supplies, trash can liners, concession and restroom paper and plastic goods, drum pumps, oil absorption mats, shop maintenance items, brooms, mops, mop heads, laquer thinner, solvents and much more.

WDRA member tracks will have a specific person to call and order.  Sales manager Steve Schuttinga is the WDRA member track point of contact.  Tracks must talk with Steve directly when ordering to get the WDRA member track discount. 

The discount is 50% off everything in the catalog.  WDRA will be sending catalogs and Steve’s contact information to all member tracks. 

When calling Steve, be sure to tell him what WDRA member track you represent so he can verify your eligibility for the discount.

Our goal is that you see a reduction in operating costs as well as an efficiency in ordering with this new program.  Please make sure you give us your feedback if you choose to take advantage of this benefit.