Teens from 13 to 17 can learn the basics of drag racing and compete against other drivers of their age and skill level in a controlled and supervised environment without the need to spend any money on purpose built drag racing vehicles.
An adult “co-driver” rides in the passenger seat during all runs to supervise and coach the driver and to participate in the fun. Teen Racing uses the family’s daily driver as the competition vehicle so no additional expense is required.
All races are limited to 1/8 mile and elapsed times are restricted to 9.00 seconds and slower as Teen Racing is about learning the sport enjoying the experience. Junior dragster is the only other class that licensed Teen Racing drivers may compete in.
Teen Racing drivers must join WDRA and complete the license application through their local facility. Owners or a designated official will test the applicant in a driving and control skills. The applicant will make licensing runs under the supervision of the official. Once the licensing paperwork is complete and the applicant is issued a WDRA Teen Racing license, the driver will receive a WDRA Rule Book and excess medical coverage good at all member tracks during sanctioned events
Drivers may have a WDRA Teen Racing license until they receive a state or provincial drivers license beyond a learners permit. All runs must be made with an appropriate Co-Driver. Verification of all competitor’s birth certificate is required and must accompany all license applications. If a Teen Racing license holder obtains a valid state or provincial drivers license after starting a season, they may complete that season in Teen Racing.
An adult with a valid state or provincial license who is the teens legal guardian or over 25 years old must serve as a co-driver. The co-driver must be in the passenger seat of the vehicle while the teen is driving. Co-driver must drive the vehicle at all times other than when the car is at the head of staging and on the track. At that time, the driver may get in the drivers seat. After making a pass, the driver must stop on the return road and let the co-driver drive it back to the pit space.
The licensing procedure includes a basic driving test including vehicle orientation and a minimum of six license passes including the approval of a WDRA track official.
Short pants, tank tops, flannel or nylon pants are not allowed. VEHICLE: Convertibles are prohibited. Vehicle must be licensed and insured with mufflers and street tires. Purpose built race cars are not permitted. The use of electronics is prohibited