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Contingency Program

NORWALK, OH: The World Drag Racing Alliance (WDRA) and world champion drag racer Luke Bogacki and his team at Thisisbracketracing.com announce the launch of a free instructional video series aimed at educating new Junior Dragster competitors.  The series, entitled “Day 1”, is a free guide for new Junior Dragster parents and drivers to help make their first day at the drag strip safe, smooth and fun.

The five-part series feature high quality video content for both new drivers and their parents.  The videos are broken down into sections that cover multiple topics including the time before getting on the track, the safety features and procedures of the car and driver personal protection devices as well as the mechanics of operating the vehicle and exiting the track safely.

“WDRA loves to collaborate with people like Luke, Justin Lamb, Kris Whitfield and the team at Thisisbracketracing.com that give back to the sport and are thrilled to help launch this new program”, said WDRA’s Skooter Peaco.  “Luke and his team deliver this content in a very understandable and relatable format that first time racers and parents can easily understand.  Luke and WDRA’s Don Scott who are both parents of Junior racers, have a real passion for Juniors.  Don sent this to me to preview and I knew immediately that this is something the junior licensing program has been missing.  We have many tracks that do hands on lessons for first time Juniors and just about every experienced Junior parent will jump in and help a new racer but this new resource is a huge advancement in the education process.  Every step in this process emphasizes and educates safety.  This is not about how to win races or driver strategy; this series is devoted to educating new drivers and new parents on how to safely run the car before they ever show up to the track.”   

“On the day that I sent my son down the track for the first time, I was overwhelmed, scared and unprepared. I’ve been involved in racing for my entire life; I can only imagine what a parent new to the sport is feeling on that pivotal opening day,” said Thisisbracketracing.com’s Luke Bogacki.  “This free “Day One” course is designed to ease that anxiety and overwhelm – both for parents and drivers – helping make that first day safer and more enjoyable. It’s the resource that I wish I’d had for myself before I started my son’s car for the first time.”

“WDRA is going to implement the Thisisbracketracing.com Junior video series into our class D (12.90) and C (11.90) licensing process and we are distributing this to all WDRA member tracks and encouraging them to do the same,” said Peaco.  “Any track that wants to use this is welcome to contact WDRA or Luke directly.  I’d like to see this valuable resource used at every track in the country.”  

The free Day 1 course can be found at thisisbracketracing.com/day-1 and the track link for tracks to receive all the materials on the program can be found at thisisbracketracing.com/day-1-for-tracks.